イラストAI その他

AMD Radeon Series Stable Diffusion & kohya_ss Setup Script(For Beginners)


This is to install and run Stable Diffusion WebUI & kohya_ss after installing ROCm6.0.1 on a clean-installed Linux.
Testing is done on Lubuntu 22.04.4LTS.
It will also work on Ubuntu.

ROCm 6.0.1



ROCm 5.7.3(Polaris)


Download and unzip any of the files above and copy them to your Linux home folder.

ROCm Install
bash 1_setup_os.sh
You will see the message to reboot here

Stable Diffusion WebUI Install
bash 2_setup_wui.sh

kohya_ss install
bash 3_setup_kohya.sh

The default for both is RX7900XTX (gfx1100), so if you rewrite the relevant part, other Radeons will also work.

Stable Diffusion WebUI=webui-user.sh

If you can write a shell script, look at what's in it and rewrite it however you like.

Instead of spending time setting up, spend time creating something!
I hope you will create something great and publish your expertise.



Below, start the terminal emulator and enter the command


ROCm version confirmation

apt show rocm-libs -a


ROCm Information Display command




Power Limitation

sudo rocm-smi --setpoweroverdrive [w]

Example: If you want to limit the default 303W(100%) RX7900XTX to 212W(70%)

sudo rocm-smi --setpoweroverdrive 212

For the latest GPUs, limiting it to about 70% is the most efficient.



If you like this script, please donate with an amazon gift certificate.

amazon gift card link


Available from $1.00.

-イラストAI, その他

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